
EHRC taking action to improve the treatment of disabled benefit claimants [CY]

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 24 Awst 2022

 [CY] The Equality and Human Rights Commission is requiring the Department for Work and Pensions to improve its treatment of disabled benefit claimants. This is in response to serious concerns about failures to meet the needs of its customers with mental health impairments and learning disabilities.

Disability campaigners had raised concerns with the Commission about the deaths of DWP customers in vulnerable situations, and an all-party group of MPs asked the EHRC in February 2021 to “undertake an investigation into the deaths of vulnerable claimants by suicide and other causes between 2008 and 2020”. The Commission examined whether the DWP was making reasonable adjustments to its processes for people with mental health conditions and learning difficulties, as required under the Equality Act 2010.

Through 2021, the Commission questioned DWP officials about the concerns that its legal obligations to disabled customers were not being met. The DWP outlined the steps being taken to address the problems identified. However, the Commission has concluded that further action is necessary, given the seriousness of the issues. It is therefore drawing up a legally-binding agreement with the DWP to commit them to an action plan to meet the needs of customers with mental health impairments and learning disabilities.

This legally-binding action plan is focused on resolving issues for DWP customers, and offers a fast, effective means of redress, and helps to avoid lengthy investigations.

Chief Executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Marcial Boo, said:

The EHRC is committed to stamping out discrimination against all disabled people, including those with mental health conditions and learning disabilities whose needs can be overlooked.

Government bodies often deliver essential services to vulnerable people. They must meet high standards and make reasonable adjustments for those who need them. The EHRC will hold them to account if they do not.

This agreement with DWP will build on the improvements already taking place for disabled benefits claimants. We are pleased that officials are working cooperatively with us to address our concerns, and we expect the binding legal agreement to be in place shortly. We will monitor its delivery.

Notes to editors

  • In February 2021, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Health in All Policies, chaired by Debbie Abrahams MP, recommended that the Commission “undertake an investigation into the deaths of vulnerable claimants, by suicide and other causes between 2008 and 2020”.
  • The details of the Section 23 agreement (a measure under the Equality Act 2006) will be agreed when it has been signed, likely by summer 2022.
  • These agreements are entered into voluntarily and there is no liability on the part of the organisation.
  • Examples of previous agreements include Network RailLNER and Jaguar Land Rover.
  • More on how we use Section 23 agreements is available to read in this blog by one of our enforcement officers.

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