Ymgysylltu â'r Llywodraeth a Senedd y DU

Mae gennym y pŵer i gynghori'r llywodraeth ar unrhyw fater sy'n ymwneud â chydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a hawliau dynol.   Mae ein papurau briffio seneddol a’n hymatebion i ymgynghoriadau’r llywodraeth ar y dudalen hon.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, e-bostiwch tîm ymgysylltu’r llywodraeth a’r senedd.

Gohebiaeth swyddogol


Our letter to the Convener of the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has written to the Convener of the Local Government,…

17 Mai 2024

Our letter to the Convener of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee

The EHRC's Head of Scotland has written to the convener of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil…

13 Mai 2024