
Updated evidence of human rights progress available on human rights regulator’s tracker

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 16 Medi 2021

From today, organisations and individuals can find evidence of action and progress by the UK and Welsh Governments across 11 new human rights topics on our Human Rights Tracker.

New human rights topics and evidence added to the site’s ‘Check on Progress’ tool include policing, human rights education, data collection and recording, and bullying and harassment in schools.

Launched in 2019 as Europe’s first tool to track and monitor human rights, makes clear how the rights of people in Britain could be better protected by providing a succinct summary of key actions the UK and Welsh Governments have taken since 2016, and an assessment of the direction of progress in meeting international human rights standards.

Melanie Field, Acting Joint CEO of the Equality and Human Rights Commission said:

Progress has been made in a number of areas, but more still needs to be done to protect and strengthen people’s human rights.

While the state of human rights remains a mixed picture across Britain, by building this tool we’ve made it easy for people to understand their human rights and where further action is needed.

Human rights are of fundamental importance to all of our lives. Only by working together can we shape the society we want and make sure that – whatever challenges our country faces – peoples’ rights are respected and protected.

The UK is signed up to seven UN human rights treaties, which set the standard for human rights across the globe.

We have reviewed what actions the UK and Welsh Governments have taken in relation to a number of different human rights issues, and has assessed the progress made.

Its assessments are based on governments’ progress since 2016 and the UK and Welsh Governments are reviewed separately for those human rights issues that are devolved to the Welsh Government.

To receive a free training session on the UN human rights framework and the Human Rights Tracker for your organisation or network, contact our human rights monitoring team by emailing

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