
Go-Ahead London enters formal agreement with us to tackle sexual harassment

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 19 Chwefror 2019

London bus company Go-Ahead London has entered into a formal agreement with us to safeguard its employees against sexual harassment and ensure that any complaints of sexual harassment are appropriately and effectively resolved.

We contacted Go-Ahead after an employment tribunal found that one of its staff members had been sexually harassed by her colleagues and a union representative.

Go-Ahead has now entered into a legal agreement with us to ensure that its workers are better protected against harassment and that the company is better equipped to deal with any grievances it does receive.

As part of this agreement, Go-Ahead is improving its anti-harassment and bullying procedures and will promote them throughout the business.

It will deliver training on discrimination and harassment to raise awareness of what is acceptable behaviour at work amongst staff at all levels. 

It will also deliver specific training and guidance for managers with responsibility for conducting investigations.

Finally, it will introduce an improved system for monitoring grievances.

As part of the agreement Go-Ahead will send quarterly reports to us to:

  • summarise the measures they've taken
  • outline how effective the measures have been in achieving the aims set out in the agreement

Rebecca Hilsenrath, our chief executive, said:

Our work on sexual harassment has exposed workplace cultures that have normalised unacceptable behaviour and silenced victims.

We need to shift the burden onto employers and ensure that they are taking seriously their responsibility to protect their staff.

We are pleased that Go-Ahead recognises that more needs to be done to protect their staff and we will continue to work with them as they put in place the necessary steps to improve conditions for their staff.

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  • For out of hours please continue to contact 0161 829 8102. Emails are not routinely monitored out of hours.

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