
Budget 2017: £5 million to help women returning to work

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 8 Mawrth 2017

The Government has announced £5 million in the Spring Budget 2017 to extend schemes to help women returning to work after maternity leave. 

Rebecca Hilsenrath, Chief Executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said:

Returning to work after maternity leave is a critical point in a woman’s career and one where too often women feel unsupported or, worse still, experience discrimination. We welcome today’s announcement to support more women to return to work but businesses must do more to help mothers, including better flexible working arrangements from the first day of employment. Government must also ensure that employment tribunal fees are not a barrier to women bringing forward cases of potential pregnancy and maternity discrimination.

With leading businesses we have launched the Working Forward campaign to encourage companies to make their workplaces the best they can be for pregnant women and new mothers returning to work.

Notes to editors

Find out more about the Commission's pregnancy and maternity work.

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