
Pay gaps explained

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 17 Mai 2018

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 17 Mai 2018

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Disability pay gap explained

About the data:

  • The disability pay gap figures are based on a statistical predictive model which uses Labour Force Survey data from the period 1997 to 2014.
  • Because of the way the disability figures were calculated, it is only possible to provide a percentage gap and not the difference in terms of pounds and pence.
  • The figures in the disability pay gap infographics are not directly comparable to the gender pay gap infographic or the ethnicity pay gap infographic as different sources are used.
  • The terminology used here to describe disability is taken directly from the Labour Force Survey.

Read the disability pay gap report.

Ethnicity pay gap explained

About the data:

  • The ethnicity pay gap figures are based on Labour Force Survey data on mean hourly pay in the period 2002 to 2014.
  • The figures in the ethnicity pay gap infographics are not directly comparable to the gender pay gap infographic or the disability pay gap infographic as different sources are used.

Read the ethnicity pay gap report.

Gender pay gap explained

About the data:

  • The gender pay gap figures are from the 2016 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings which looks at median hourly earnings (excluding overtime).
  • The figures in the gender pay gap infographics are not directly comparable to the disability pay gap infographic or the ethnicity pay gap infographics as different sources are used.
  • Pay gaps here are represented in relation to the pay for full time men.

Read the gender pay gap report.

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