
Education that changes the world

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 5 Tachwedd 2020

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 5 Tachwedd 2020

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  • Alban

Briefing for the 2021 Scottish Parliament election: our recommendations about education

We believe that all parties should commit to these policy priorities for the 2021 to 2026 session of the Scottish Parliament:

  • The Curriculum for Excellence should do more to promote equality. Equality and human rights education should be a core element of the Scottish curriculum, fostering an understanding of discrimination and hate crime, the ability to challenge prejudiced-based bullying, and understanding of Scotland’s history in relation to slavery and empire, and the lives and contributions of people from ethnic minorities.
  • Education must be accessible to all. Flexible or online education can help to include learners, including disabled learners, at all levels. However, action must be taken to ensure that all learners – including disabled learners, learners with additional support needs, and learners facing socioeconomic disadvantage – have the devices, connectivity, skills and support they need to participate.
  • Closing the attainment gap. The impact of school closures on the attainment gap must be identified, giving particular attention to the overlap between socioeconomic disadvantage and protected characteristics, including disabled pupils and pupils with additional support needs. Schools should be supported to help those who have fallen behind catch up.
  • Children in Scottish schools must be protected from unlawful restraint and seclusion. The next Government must follow up on our work with the Children’s Commissioner and consider whether there is a need for national guidance to be placed on a statutory footing.

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