
Briefing for the 2021 Scottish Parliament election

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 5 Tachwedd 2020

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 5 Tachwedd 2020

I ba wledydd mae hyn yn berthnasol?

  • Alban

About this briefing

We believe Scotland has the opportunity, the capability, and the will to tackle deeply entrenched inequalities and become a fairer, more prosperous and inclusive society – if that will is reflected in the next Scottish Parliament.

Read more about this briefing

Our recommendations

We believe that all parties should commit to the following policy priorities for the 2021-26 session of the Scottish Parliament:

1. Strong equality and human rights laws to protect people

  • Incorporating the UN human rights treaties into Scots law
  • Equality and human rights must be safeguarded
  • Making the Public Sector Equality Duty as effective as possible
  • A better understanding of inequality to effect change
  • The process for gender recognition must be simplified
  • A more civil debate
  • A Parliament that represents Scotland

2. Fair work for everyone

  • Supporting flexible working as a day one right for all jobs ​​​
  • Providing adequate childcare
  • Increasing diversity in employment
  • Work should be safe and secure
  • Addressing the inequalities of employment faced by some ethnic minority groups
  • Eradicating harassment, including sexual harassment, at work

3. Inclusive justice

  • Making Scottish courts and tribunals, and their working practices should be accessible to all
  • Building capacity in the criminal justice system

4. Education that changes the world

  • The Curriculum for Excellence should do more to promote equality
  • Education must be accessible to all
  • Closing the attainment gap
  • Children in Scottish schools must be protected from unlawful restraint and seclusion

5. Going places

  • Public transport must be accessible
  • Rail travel in Scotland must work for those with different needs

6. Health and social care

  • Reforming the social care system to put the interests of those being cared for at its heart
  • Detention under mental health legislation should not discriminate
  • We need a better understanding of people in our mental health system

7. A fairer Scotland

  • There should be a review of public authorities’ implementation of the Fairer Scotland Duty final guidance (to be published April 2021) during the next Parliament
  • The next National Planning Framework should embed equality as a key consideration at the outset of planning strategies and decisions
  • Equality should be embedded in Scotland’s Climate Change Plan

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