Camau cyfreithiol

Challenging racial discrimination in the workplace

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 8 Ebrill 2024

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 8 Ebrill 2024

I ba wledydd mae hyn yn berthnasol?

Manylion yr achos

Nodwedd warchodedig Hil, Crefydd neu gred
Mathau o hawliadau cydraddoldeb Gwahaniaethu uniongyrchol, Aflonyddu
Llys neu dribiwnlys Tribiwnlys Cyflogaeth
Cyflwr yr achos Wedi gorffen
Ein cyfranogiad Cymorth cyfreithiol (adran 28 o Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2006)
Canlyniad Setliad
Meysydd o fywyd Addysg, Gwaith

Enw achos: Waqas Rai v Micropathology Ltd.

Mater cyfreithiol

Was a student laboratory assistant unlawfully dismissed on the basis of race and religious discrimination?


Micropathology Ltd, based in Coventry, sacked Waqas Rai, 23, without notice on 31 December 2021.

Months after his dismissal, Mr Rai’s former manager gave a university lecture which was recorded and uploaded online. In the recording, the manager could be heard openly discussing the reasons for Mr Rai’s dismissal and saying he thought he had been ‘radicalised’.

In later correspondence with the university, the manager explicitly compared Mr Rai to ‘the man who killed the MP in Southend’, saying his ‘very intelligent’ but ‘totally passive’ behaviour was an indication that he had been radicalised. Sir David Amess MP was killed in 2021 by Ali Harbi Ali, who was convicted of murder and the preparation of terrorist acts.

Pam roedden ni'n cymryd rhan

We supported the case through our fund for race discrimination cases, part of our Legal Support Scheme – ensuring those who may struggle to access justice have the opportunity to do so.

Beth wnaethom ni

We provided funding to support the case.

Beth ddigwyddodd

Mr Rai’s discrimination claim against his former employer was taken to an employment tribunal, but the parties settled before a final hearing. The settlement does not contain an admission of liability on the part of Micropathology Ltd, but they have published a public statement regarding the case and committed to carrying out equality and diversity training. Mr Rai also received a financial settlement from Micropathology Ltd.

Pwy fydd yn elwa

The case received significant media attention following our communications activities. The case raised the profile of the action employers may face if they are alleged to be racially discriminatory towards their employees.

Dyddiad y gwrandawiad

21 Rhagfyr 2022

Dyddiad dod i ben

8 Ionawr 2024

Diweddariadau tudalennau