The essential guide to the Public Sector Equality Duty: An overview for listed public authorities in Wales

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 10 Ionawr 2014

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 10 Ionawr 2014

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  • Cymru

The non-statutory guidance has been developed primarily for those responsible for implementing the Wales specific duties, particularly those at senior and operational level who are responsible for policy and decision-making. The guidance will also be useful to anyone who has an interest in the work and activities of public authorities.

It is important that senior decision-makers in public authorities (such as Chief Executives, Chairs and Board members) receive adequate briefing on the general duty and specific duties. This should equip them to ensure that equality is properly considered within the organisation and influences decision-making at all levels.

The Commission has produced separate guidance on the equality duties for public authorities in England and Scotland. The guidance for England also includes non-devolved public authorities in Wales and Scotland.

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