
Being disabled in Britain: a journey less equal

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 3 Ebrill 2017

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 3 Ebrill 2017

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Being disabled in Britain is a review into disability inequality in Great Britain. It builds on the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s statutory five-yearly report on equality and human rights progress in England, Scotland and Wales, Is Britain Fairer?.

We want this report to be used by UK and devolved governments to make improvements to law and policies, by local government to ensure services meet the needs of disabled people, and by disability groups to strengthen their case for change.

The report includes chapters on six areas of life, including education, work, health, justice and participation in politics, looking at where there has been progress and where there are still serious issues to be tackled. It also looks the experiences of those with different impairments and how these impact on people’s life chances.

We have also produced a British Sign Language (BSL) video of the executive summary and supporting data tables of the evidence behind the report.

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