
How Fair is Britain? (2010)

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 1 Hydref 2010

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 1 Hydref 2010

I ba wledydd mae hyn yn berthnasol?

  • Lloegr
  • Alban
  • Cymru

Equality, human rights and good relations in 2010

Every three years the Equality and Human Rights Commission must report to Parliament on the progress that society is making towards our vision:

  • a society at ease with its diversity
  • where every individual has the opportunity to achieve their potential
  • where people treat each other with dignity and respect

This is the first progress review. It focuses on equalities.

video overview of the report is available on YouTube.

More details about the report, and the supporting evidence used, can be found on the National Archives website.

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