
Torture in the UK: update report

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 7 Mai 2019

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 7 Mai 2019

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This report outlines our recommendations to the UK and Welsh governments regarding the UK's record under the Convention Against Torture (CAT).

It follows on from the list of issues that the United Nations (UN) raised regarding the UK's record under CAT

Our recommendations relate to issues such as:

  • protecting people seeking asylum, victims of trafficking and exploitation, patients, detainees and people who are restrained
  • preventing violence against women and girls, child sexual abuse and hate crime
  • responding to allegations of British involvement in the mistreatment of overseas detainees 
  • ensuring people who are at risk of ill-treatment can get legal help
  • developing our counter-terrorism strategy 
  • making CAT part of UK law

The report raises concerns that our governments must do more to improve their record on preventing inhuman and degrading treatment.

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