
Human rights framework for restraint

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 20 Mawrth 2019

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 20 Mawrth 2019

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Our human rights framework for restraint is a tool for policy makers and has already been used to inform policy and legal developments in England and Wales. We will use the framework to inform our own work on restraint. 

It provides useful examples explaining the key principles of the following articles of the European Convention on Human Rights:

  • Article 3 (prohibition on torture, inhuman and degrading treatment)
  • Article 8 (respect for autonomy, physical and psychological integrity)
  • Article 14 (non-discrimination)

The development of the framework was informed by discussion with government departments; regulators; inspectorates and ombudspersons; and the third sector.

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