
Race report statistics

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 15 Hydref 2020

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 15 Hydref 2020

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Our in-depth analysis of existing evidence outlines a worrying picture of race inequality. Our statistics highlight five distinct areas where the need for improvement is essential:

  • employment
  • education
  • crime
  • living standards
  • health and care


  • unemployment rates were significantly higher for ethnic minorities at 12.9 per cent compared with 6.3 per cent for White people
  • Black workers with degrees earn 23.1 per cent less on average than White workers
  • in Britain, significantly lower percentages of ethnic minorities (8.8 per cent) worked as managers, directors and senior officials, compared with White people (10.7 per cent) and this was particularly true for African or Caribbean or Black people (5.7 per cent) and those of mixed ethnicity (7.2 per cent)
  • Black people who leave school with A-levels typically get paid 14.3 per cent less than their White peers


  • just 6 per cent of Black school leavers attended a Russell Group university, compared with 12 per cent of mixed and Asian school leavers and 11 per cent of White school leavers
  • Black Caribbean and Mixed White/Black Caribbean children have rates of permanent exclusion about three times that of the pupil population as a whole


  • rates of prosecution and sentencing for Black people were three times higher than for White people,18 per thousand population compared with six per thousand population for White people 
  • for sentencing it was 13 per thousand population for Black people and five per thousand population for White people
  • in England and Wales ethnic minority children and adults are more likely to be a victim of homicide
  • the homicide rate for Black people was 30.5 per million population, 14.1 for Asian people and 8.9 for White people
  • White women are more at risk of domestic abuse than ethnic minority women, with 7.4 per cent reported being victims of abuse compared with 4.4 per cent of ethnic minority women
  • race hate crimes on Britain’s railway networks have risen by 37 per cent
  • in England, 37.4 per cent of Black people and 44.8 per cent of Asian people felt unsafe being at home or around their local area, compared with 29.2 per cent of White people

Living standards

  • Pakistani or Bangladeshi and Black adults are more likely to live in substandard accommodation than White people
  • 30.9 per cent of Pakistani or Bangladeshi people live in overcrowded accommodation, while for Black people the figure is 26.8 per cent and for White people it is 8.3 per cent
  • if you are an ethnic minority person, you are still more likely to live in poverty.  Our evidence shows that 35.7 per cent of ethnic minorities were more likely to live in poverty compared with 17.2 per cent of White people
  • in Scotland, ethnic minority households are more likely to experience overcrowding, with 11.8 per cent for ethnic minority households compared with 2.9 per cent for White households

Health and care

  • there is a significant disproportionate number of ethnic minorities detained under mental health legislation in hospitals in England and Wales
  • Black African women were seven times more likely to be detained than White British women
  • Gypsies, Travellers and Roma were found to suffer poorer mental health than the rest of the population in Britain and they were also more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression

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