
Making sure people seeking and refused asylum can access healthcare: what needs to change?

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 29 Tachwedd 2018

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 29 Tachwedd 2018

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This document sets out our recommendations for what changes are needed to make sure that people seeking and refused asylum have full enjoyment of their right to health.

It accompanies our research reports on the lived experiences of people seeking and refused asylum and an evidence review of access to healthcare. 

Our review of the most disadvantaged groups in Britain showed that people seeking asylum face barriers in accessing public services, including health services. They are also more likely to have particular health needs because of past distressing experiences and the traumatic effects of fleeing to a different country.

These recommendations form part of our business plan commitment to make sure that people seeking asylum were able to fully access the public services they were entitled to.

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