Parliamentary briefing

Health Service Safety Investigations Bill (2019)

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 5 Mehefin 2018

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 5 Mehefin 2018

I ba wledydd mae hyn yn berthnasol?

  • Lloegr

What the Bill covers

The Bill would have made the Health Service Safety Investigations Branch a statutory independent body, responsible for investigating patient safety incidents in NHS services in England.

Why we are briefing on this subject

We want to make sure that healthcare providers treat people with protected characteristics in a safe and respectful way.

Our main recommendations

The Bill should be amended to:

  • highlight the importance of investigating systemic failings and learning lessons
  • extend the powers of the new body to include private hospitals
  • make sure that the new body’s powers are strong enough and that its investigators are independent
  • make the new body subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty

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