
Marcial Boo appointed chief executive officer

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 29 Gorffenaf 2021

Marcial Boo has been appointed as the new chief executive officer of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), taking up the role at the end of September.

With extensive experience leading regulatory bodies and in Whitehall, Marcial Boo is the current CEO of the UK Public Health Register and former CEO of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, where he enacted significant reforms in the wake of the MPs' expenses scandal. He previously worked in the Number 10 Delivery Unit, as a director of the National Audit Office, and as a senior civil servant in the Department for Education and Home Office.

Commenting on the appointment, EHRC Chairwoman, Kishwer Falkner, said:

Marcial was an outstanding candidate from a very strong field and we are delighted he has agreed to become our new chief executive officer. His passion for equality and human rights came through strongly. Marcial’s experience of leading other regulators and as a senior civil servant made him the unanimous choice to lead the next stage in our transformation and delivery of our vital programme.

Marcial Boo said:

I am delighted and honoured to have the opportunity to lead the EHRC and its important responsibilities. The work of the organisation covers all our lives and I am joining at an exciting time in the development of the next strategic plan. I look forward to meeting and working with the team and with all those promoting and upholding equality and human rights in England, Scotland and Wales.

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