
Expenditure report: November 2020

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 13 Ionawr 2021

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 13 Ionawr 2021

Allocation date Expense type Supplier Transaction number Amount in Great British Pounds (GBP)
12/11/2020 Childcare Voucher Costs Accor Services iPOS Invoice 67174 1,584.42
19/11/2020 Staff Support Alexander Mann Solutions Limited iPOS Invoice 67185 794.81
19/11/2020 Staff Support Alexander Mann Solutions Limited iPOS Invoice 67192 679.90
19/11/2020 Equipment Purchase (Non-capital) Aquacool LTD iPOS Invoice 67131 3,112.80
30/11/2020 Learning And Development Azure Consulting Ltd iPOS Invoice 67211 1,497.60
26/11/2020 Advisory Group Fees Breakthrough UK Ltd iPOS Invoice 67198 750.00
26/11/2020 Advisory Group Fees Breakthrough UK Ltd iPOS Invoice 67199 750.00
05/11/2020 Seconded Staff British Council iPOS Invoice 67146 11,483.44
19/11/2020 Barristers Fees Brodies LLP Solicitors iPOS Invoice 67178 2,332.80
26/11/2020 BT Managed Services BT Global Services iPOS Invoice 67206 17,083.09
19/11/2020 BT Non Managed Services BT Onebillplus iPOS Invoice 67187 919.96
19/11/2020 Barristers Fees Victoria Butler-Cole iPOS Invoice 67189 2,016.00
26/11/2020 Research Cambridge Econometrics Ltd iPOS Invoice 67200 2,690.00
30/11/2020 Barristers Fees Miss Catherine Casserley iPOS Invoice 67241 768.00
30/11/2020 Barristers Fees Miss Catherine Casserley iPOS Invoice 67242 768.00
30/11/2020 Barristers Fees Miss Catherine Casserley iPOS Invoice 67243 768.00
19/11/2020 Solicitors Fees Charles Russell Speechlys LLP iPOS Invoice 67191 3,080.00
05/11/2020 Professional Advice Angela Coles Training Ltd iPOS Invoice 67153 840.00
12/11/2020 Publications Editing/Proof Reading Collaborative Creative Design Studio iPOS Invoice 67158 632.50
12/11/2020 Barristers Fees Jason Coppel iPOS Invoice 67176 4,680.00
12/11/2020 Barristers Fees Gemma Daly iPOS Invoice 67177 2,088.00
26/11/2020 Solicitors Fees Derbyshire Law Centre iPOS Invoice 67203 1,412.00
26/11/2020 Parliamentary Monitoring Dod's Parliamentary Communications iPOS Invoice 67218 2,902.39
26/11/2020 Mobile Costs EE Limited iPOS Invoice 67195 1,048.90
26/11/2020 Learning And Development Employers network for equality and inclusion iPOS Invoice 67222 7,200.00
26/11/2020 Recruitment Advertising Evenbreak iPOS Invoice 67223 570.00
26/11/2020 Corporate Legal Expenses Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP iPOS Invoice 67229 3,223.26
30/11/2020 Solicitors Fees Fry Law iPOS Invoice 67239 768.00
12/11/2020 Rent Government Property Agency iPOS Invoice 67173 14,381.95
26/11/2020 Barristers Fees Henrietta Hill iPOS Invoice 67204 2,736.00
19/11/2020 Consultancy/Implementation InPhase Ltd iPOS Invoice 67183 2,850.00
12/11/2020 Barristers Fees Daniel Isenberg iPOS Invoice 67172 648.00
26/11/2020 Barristers Fees Jessica Jones iPOS Invoice 67215 643.20
12/11/2020 Practising Certificates The Law Society iPOS Invoice 67175 6,658.00
19/11/2020 Barristers Fees Shu Shin Luh iPOS Invoice 67169 3,590.40
30/11/2020 Solicitors Fees Masters Legal Costs Services iPOS Invoice 67238 3,000.00
05/11/2020 Internal Audit Fees Mazars iPOS Invoice 67142 6,786.00
05/11/2020 Payroll Processing Costs MHR International UK Limited iPOS Invoice 67151 1,002.00
05/11/2020 Business Systems MHR International UK Limited iPOS Invoice 67152 1,278.00
30/11/2020 Barristers Fees Chris Milsom iPOS Invoice 67240 1,344.00
05/11/2020 Media Monitoring Press Data Bureau iPOS Invoice 67138 3,645.00
26/11/2020 Media Monitoring Press Data Bureau iPOS Invoice 67230 3,645.00
26/11/2020 Publications Translation Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 67196 1,560.00
26/11/2020 Publications Translation Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 67228 542.40
12/11/2020 Publications Translation Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 67157 535.20
12/11/2020 Client Support Prestige Network Ltd iPOS Invoice 67159 957.60
12/11/2020 Records Storage Costs Restore Document Management iPOS Invoice 67167 1,240.63
05/11/2020 Publications Design Revealing Reality iPOS Invoice 67150 4,702.50
30/11/2020 Barristers Fees Daphne Romney iPOS Invoice 67237 13,104.00
05/11/2020 Professional Fees Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 67148 1,451.09
12/11/2020 Professional Fees Sellick Partnership Ltd iPOS Invoice 67170 967.39
05/11/2020 Electronic Subscriptions Thomson Reuters (professional) UK Limited iPOS Invoice 67145 2,998.50
12/11/2020 Electronic Subscriptions Thomson Reuters (professional) UK Limited iPOS Invoice 67154 18,937.20
30/11/2020 Research Wellside Research Ltd iPOS Invoice 67232 10,767.84

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