
Commission comments on the findings of the Parker Review

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 2 Tachwedd 2016

Commenting on the findings of the Parker Review into diversity of FTSE boards, Equality and Human Rights Commission Chair David Isaac said:

There is still an inexcusable lack of diversity in the boardrooms of big businesses. They are still white and male and 'who you know, not what you know' is the prevailing culture. For businesses to be successful they should harness the talent of all parts of society, including different races and gender. Taking immediate steps to develop the talent pipeline is something that all companies can do.

Today’s report reinforces our own inquiry findings that far too few companies are improving the diversity of their boards. We welcome today’s report and hope business will act without delay to implement these important recommendations.

Notes to editors


Our inquiry uncovered practices that created barriers to diversity including:

  • role requirements including previous FTSE board experience and chemistry and fit with the current board
  • no use of advertising and little support for widening search to include people from academia, professional bodies, non-for profit sector

See our guidance on improving the diversity of company boards.

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