
Premier League clubs not meeting disabled accessibility standards will face legal action

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 16 Ionawr 2017

Commenting in response to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee report on Accessibility of Sports Stadia, which found that many Premier League clubs are not doing enough to allow disabled fans to attend matches, Commission Chair David Isaac said:

Disabled fans have been patronised for decades with every excuse in the book: that there is no demand for disabled access tickets, old stadia cannot be adapted, and even new stadia and stands won’t be compliant for years. These clubs are not only breaking promises to their die-hard fans, they are breaking the law.

We have written to every Premier League club for an urgent update on whether they are compliant with the law and how they are making it easier for disabled fans to attend matches. Let’s be clear, clubs who are non-compliant will face legal action.

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