
Mental health the last workplace taboo: Stevenson Farmer review

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 26 Hydref 2017

Responding to the publication of Thriving at Work, the Stevenson/Farmer review of mental health and employers, Equality and Human Rights Commission Chief Executive Rebecca Hilsenrath said:

Mental health is the last workplace taboo and it must not be allowed to hold us back in our careers, from recruitment through to working environment and promotion.

We will use our legal powers to challenge discrimination in the workplace against people with mental health conditions. We welcome the call for increased transparency and accountability but it is not enough.

We recommend Government reports annually on progress to close the disability employment gap with specific reference to mental health. In addition, the Government should ensure that the right to request flexible working must start from day one in the job.

Employers should open up all jobs, regardless of seniority, to part-time and flexible working to support progression of people with mental health conditions, ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to use their skills and make their own contribution to society.

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