
Commission comments on gender segregation at school in Luton

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 26 Mai 2016

Rebecca Hilsenrath, Chief Executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said:

Gender segregation of school staff is totally unacceptable in modern Britain. All schools have a legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to prevent discrimination against their staff and students.

Outside of acts of religious worship, segregating male and female staff at school meetings or training sessions is likely to amount to unlawful discrimination because it puts individuals at a disadvantage because of their sex.

We have just received a letter from DfE referring this case to us and we will look at it carefully before deciding what action to take to ensure this Luton school ends its practice of segregating male and female staff.

Our guidance to universities on gender segregation makes it clear that gender segregation, such as seating men and women separately at an event, is not permitted outside of religious worship.

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