
Commission comments on BBC’s new recruitment diversity targets

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 26 Mai 2016

Commenting in response to the BBC’s new recruitment process designed to ensure its workforce reflects modern Britain, Lord Holmes of Richmond, Commissioner at the Equality and Human Rights Commission said:

"The BBC has a unique role to play in bringing about change across the industry and society as a whole. The new diversity targets announced today are welcome and I'd like to congratulate Tony Hall on his leadership and commitment to ensuring that the BBC reflects the nation on and off screen.
"However, one of the issues raised by many in the past is a lack of follow through to announcements of targets. Tony Hall and the rest of the BBC leadership team need to ensure that this isn't just another announcement which doesn't deliver significant and lasting change.
"The Equality and Human Rights Commission, together with Ofcom, CDN and Pact, has been working with broadcasters and independent producers over the last year to identify barriers to increasing diversity and has produced definitive legal guidance to help everyone in the sector achieve this aim. We look forward to continuing to work with the BBC to help them meet their targets."

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