
BBC talent pay disclosure

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 20 Gorffenaf 2017

Commenting after the BBC released pay information, Chief Executive Rebecca Hilsenrath said:

What these figures reveal is that there are barriers for women in achieving equality in pay and this raises questions about the differences in how we view and reward female and male talent. This isn’t just an issue in the BBC, or just one of gender, but across the wider media industry, public sector and business. The bigger question is what are we going to do about it? That is a challenge for us all. There needs to be greater emphasis on understanding and tackling the causes of inequalities in pay in order to really close the gaps for women, for some ethnic minority groups and for disabled people.

We welcome the BBC publishing their pay figures and leading the way on transparency and we also welcome their plans to encourage and promote more women throughout the business. We have worked with Ofcom on providing guidance on how to increase diversity both in front of the camera and behind it, and will soon be publishing recommendations on how we can further reduce the gender, race and disability pay gap.

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