
EHRC Chair responds to Hampton-Alexander Review

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 24 Chwefror 2021

Baroness Kishwer Falkner, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission responds to Hampton-Alexander Review, which has reported that women now make up one in three boardroom roles at 350 top UK firms.

All the evidence shows that diverse leadership groups make better decisions and so getting more women into leadership positions is essential to a business’s success and the economy. The fact there are no longer all-male boardrooms in the top 350 companies is great progress, but we cannot stop there.

In tandem with regulations like gender pay gap reporting, we need to be looking at all levels and making sure women can progress through the leadership ranks to continue this upward trend. There are many women with the talent that deserve a place in executive teams and businesses need to support them to reach their full potential. It’s not just good for women; it is good for business.

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