
EHRC Chair responds to report from Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 31 Mawrth 2021

Baroness Kishwer Falkner, Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, responds to a report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.

Race inequality is complex and there are links with other factors such as social and family background, poverty and geography. This report rightly identifies the varied causes of disparities and by making recommendations to address them gives the government the opportunity to design policy targeting the sources of inequality. There are a number of recommendations we can play a leading role in and we welcome the recognition that additional funding would help us carry out our important work to tackle discrimination and disadvantage.

While Britain has made great progress towards race equality in the last 50 years, there is still much more to do. As the report says, we need to find a way to take our successes, learn from them, and apply them to where we need to make further improvements. A joined-up approach is needed. Now is the time for action and we are ready to play our part.

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