
Our compliance work

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 25 Mehefin 2021

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 25 Mehefin 2021

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Compliance work comes before enforcement and litigation options. We co-operate with organisations to resolve issues when equality and human rights law isn’t followed.

We’ve helped more than 1,000 individuals and organisations with our compliance work. This means that we can protect people and their rights without resorting to court cases.

This includes:

  • addressing non-compliance, providing guidance and taking steps to prevent it happening again
  • giving feedback on information provided by organisations
  • exchanging information with other law enforcement bodies and regulators

As well as our general compliance work, we do specific work on:

If our compliance work does not achieve the required results, we then consider taking further action.

Diweddariadau tudalennau