Consultations in Scotland

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 2 Mawrth 2016

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 27 Tachwedd 2023

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Consultation responses

We regularly respond to public consultations from the Scottish Government and other public bodies. Our responses from 2016 to December 2019 are available on this page.

Responses from December 2019 to present have their own pages and can be found using our search function.

Consultation responses 2019

Consultation responses 2018

  • Commission submission to the Scottish Parliament Rural, Economy and Connectivity Committee on the Transport Bill 2018 (October 2018) is available to download in Word format
  • Commission response on the Vulnerable Witnesses (Criminal Evidence) (Scotland) Bill (September 2018) is available to download in Word format

  • Commission Response to Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service Draft British Sign Language (BSL) Plan 2018 - 2024 (August 2018) is available to download in Word format

  • Commission response to Scottish Government consultation on Supporting Disabled Children, Young People and their Families (August 2018) is available to download in Word format

  • Commission response to the Scottish Parliament's Social Security Committee’s Inquiry into Social Security and In-work Poverty (August 2018) is available to download in Word format

  • Commission response to the Scottish Government consultation: Increasing the employment of Disabled People in the Public Sector is available to download in Word format

  • Commission's response to the consultation on establishing a statutory appropriate adult service in Scotland (June 2018) is available to download in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's response to proposals to reform Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 is available in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's response to Scottish Parliament Education and Skills Committee inquiry into the attainment and achievement of school aged children experiencing poverty (March 2018) is available in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's Response to the Scottish Government consultation on Electoral Reform (March 2018) is available in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's response to the Scottish Government Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 consultation (March 2018) is available in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission's response to the Scottish Government consultation on the provisions for licensing of sexual entertainment venues and changes to licensing of theatres (February 2018) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission's  response to the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee call for evidence on the Planning (Scotland) Bill (February 2018) is available to download in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission's response to the consultation on the Scottish Government's  Fuel Poverty Strategy (February 2018) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats
  • The Commission's Consultation Response to the Equality and Human Rights Committee (of the Scottish Parliament) on Universal Periodic Review and the Commission’s Expectations of the Scottish Parliament (January 2018) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats
  • Commission's response to Scottish Government's Consultation on Court Fees 2018 to 2021 (January 2018) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

Consultation responses 2017

  • Commission's response to the Scottish Parliament's consultation on ending period poverty (December 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's response to the Scottish Government consultation on local bus services (December 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's response to the Scottish Government consultation on free bus travel for older and disabled people and modern apprentices (November 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's response to the petition calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to create an independent body with a remit to make findings of fact in complaints involving local authorities (October 2017) is available to download in PDF and Word formats.

  • Commission's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Supporting Children's Learning Code of Practice (September 2017) can be found on the Scottish Government website

  • Commission's response to the Scottish Parliament’s Equality and Human Rights Committee request for views about how the Scottish Government’s budget supports equalities and human rights (September 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • Commission's response to consultation on Free Personal Care for under-65s in Scotland can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission's consultation response to Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill (September 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to the consultation on the repeal of the Offensive Behavior in Football Act 2017 (August 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats
  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Socio Economic Duty (August 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats
  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to the Social Security (Scotland) Bill 2017 (August 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to Civil Litigation (Expenses and Group Proceedings) (Scotland) Bill - call for evidence (August 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to the consultation on the Scottish Government Equally Safe (violence against women and girls) draft delivery plan (June 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats 

  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to the Independent Strategic Review of Legal Aid Call for Evidence (May 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to consultation on Supporting Children and Young People with Healthcare Needs in Schools (April 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission in Scotland's submission of written views to Scottish Parliament Justice Committee on the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill 2017 (May 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

  • The Commission in Scotland's response to Scottish Government draft consultation on Gender Regulations for Public Bodies (Scotland) Bill (March 2017)

  • The Commission in Scotland's consultation response on Strict Liability in (Scottish) Football (March 2017)

  • The Commission in Scotland's submission to Scottish Government consultation on Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) Strategy (February 2017) can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats

Consultation responses 2016

  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland written submission to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee for a scoping session on bullying and harassment of children and young people in schools (November 2016) PDF|Word
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Response on Social Security in Scotland (October 2016) PDF|Word
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Consultation Response to Child Poverty in Scotland (September 2016) PDF|Word
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Consultation Response to Court Fees in Scotland (September 2016) PDF|Word
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Consultation Response to the introduction of the UK Apprenticeship Levy (August 2016) PDF | Word
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission Response to Scottish Government Justice Committee call for evidence on the Investigatory Powers Bill Legislative Consent Memorandum (August 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC response to Scottish Government consultation on Draft Code of Practice on Stop and Search (July 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC response to Scottish Government consultation on the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (June 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC response to Consultation on the Design of the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) for 2017 and Beyond (April 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC response to Consultation on the Scottish Law Commission Report on Adults with Incapacity (March 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC response to Consultation on Draft Order in Council transferring specified functions of the Employment Tribunal to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (March 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC comment to Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee on the draft budget for Scotland for 2016-17 (January 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC and SHRC response to Consultation on the Scottish Government’s Draft UNCRPD Delivery Plan 2016-2020 (January 2016) PDF and Word
  • EHRC and SHRC additional comments on the Scottish Government’s Draft UNCRPD Delivery Plan 2016-2020 (January 2016) PDF and Word

Consultation responses before 2016

Consultation responses from before 2016 are available through the National Archives snapshots of our website

If you are unable to find what you need, email us at:

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