Police, prisons, data and the courts: human rights for ombudsman schemes

Published: 26 July 2019

Last updated: 26 July 2019

What countries does this apply to?

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

This sector includes police services, prison authorities, custodial institutions, immigration services, the courts, tribunals and the judiciary, data protection, surveillance and information.

Search our guide by topic and follow the links to get detailed information and case law examples on the human rights that are relevant to your case.

Theme Topic Right
courts, trials, tribunals, hearings access to right to a fair hearing, protection from discrimination
children protection from discrimination
discrimination protection from discrimination
financial barriers to justice right to a fair hearing
legal aid right to a fair hearing
procedural fairness right to a fair hearing
data protection and privacy criminal record checks private and family life
DNA samples private and family life
hacking private and family life
information – collection, deletion, storage and access private and family life
stop and search private and family life
surveillance private and family life
death custody, in right to life
custody, in right to life
restraint, from use of right to life
risk of right to life
detention alcohol use, because of liberty and security
children in protection from discrimination
compensation claims following unlawful right to a fair hearing
death during right to life
drug use, because of liberty and security
stop and search private and family life
vagrants, of liberty and security
domestic issues abuse, protection from domestic and sexual freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment, private and family life
eviction, forced adequate standard of living
immigration child refugees protection from discrimination
rights of non-nationals protection from discrimination
services, discrimination in protection from discrimination
prisoners disabled freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment, protection from discrimination
gay freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment
mental health conditions, with freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment, protection from discrimination
pregnant freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment, protection from discrimination
prisons and institutional settings bullying in protection from discrimination
communications in freedom of expression
death in right to life
discrimination freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment
diversity freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment
dress code, of staff freedom of thought, conscience and religion
food and water adequate standard of living
health issues freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment
homophobia freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment, protection from discrimination
reasonable adjustments in protection from discrimination
religious and other beliefs, accommodating in freedom of thought, conscience and religion
social isolation freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment
solitary confinement freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment
special diets freedom of thought, conscience and religion, adequate standard of living
restraint use of freedom from inhuman and degrading treatment


Case studies

Advice and support

If you think you might have been treated unfairly and want further advice, you can contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

The EASS is an independent advice service, not operated by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Phone: 0808 800 0082

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