Disability Advisory Committee

Published: 1 July 2021

Last updated: 13 May 2022

What countries does this apply to?

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

About the committee

The Disability Advisory Committee provided advice and guidance to inform our work protecting and promoting rights and equality for disabled people.

It built on the progress made by our former Disability Committee and:

  • provided advice on how we can support disabled people
  • advised on specific areas of our business
  • supported the introduction of our new stakeholder engagement strategy

You can read more in our Disability Advisory Committee terms of reference

The Committee met at least four times a year, with additional meetings as necessary. Minutes of meetings are published below. 

Minutes of meetings

We aim to publish the minutes of meetings as soon as we can after they have been formally approved. Minutes from meetings are normally reviewed and approved as an agenda item at the next meeting of the Committee.

The statutory Disability Committee

The Disability Advisory Committee was preceded by the statutory Disability Committee, which was dissolved on 31 March 2017 by an order made under the Equality Act 2006.

You can read the Disability Committee final report (38KB, Word) and find out more about the Disability Committee on the National Archives website.

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