
Confidential email hotline set up for reporting McDonald’s harassment incidents

Published: 18 July 2023

We have set up a confidential email hotline for anyone who is concerned about incidents of harassment in McDonald's. You can report concerns by emailing 

A spokesperson for the Equality and Human Rights Commission said:

"We are concerned to hear of these new allegations of sexual and racial harassment.

“We will look at them closely in the context of our current legal agreement with McDonald’s to tackle sexual harassment of staff in its restaurants.

“McDonald’s has made a number of legally binding commitments to us that we will monitor, including:

  • communicating a zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment
  • conducting an anonymous survey of workers about workplace safety
  • enhancing policies and procedures to prevent sexual harassment and improve responses to complaints
  • delivering anti-harassment training for employees
  • introducing specific training and materials to help managers identify areas of risk within their restaurants and take steps to prevent sexual harassment
  • supporting the take up of policy and training materials by franchisees within their independent organisations to support reporting of sexual harassment
  • monitoring progress towards a safe, respectful and inclusive working environment

 “Under the Equality Act 2010, employers are legally responsible if an employee is sexually harassed at work by another employee, if the employer has not taken all possible steps to prevent it from happening."

Baroness Kishwer Falkner, Chairwoman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission said:

There should be zero tolerance of sexual harassment in every organisation. I’m concerned at these new reports of harassment at McDonald’s, where we have an existing legal agreement in place to ensure their restaurants are safe places to work.
“McDonald’s have committed to make improvements to set an example for others to follow, in the hospitality industry and elsewhere.
“Every employer, no matter how big or small, is responsible for protecting its workforce. We’re determined to continue to crack down on illegal harassment at places of work.

Speak to our press office

If you work in the media, please speak to our press office:

  • During office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) please call: 0161 829 8102
  • Or email the press office team
  • For out of hours please continue to contact 0161 829 8102. Emails are not routinely monitored out of hours.

This phone number is for media enquiries only. For all other queries, please call 0161 829 8100, or email 

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