
Retailer guidance: meet customer needs

Published: 1 September 2021

Last updated: 1 September 2021

What countries does this apply to?

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

Step 1. Provide a service that meets all customer needs

  • Make sure you are providing your service in a way that meets all your customers’ needs and does not disadvantage any customers who have protected characteristics
  • Retailers should provide the same standard of service to all customers, as far as possible. This means sometimes they will need to provide services in a different way to meet the needs of disabled and older customers, as well as other customers with protected characteristics
Retailer guidance: provide a service that meets all customer needs


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Advice and support

If you think you might have been treated unfairly and want further advice, you can contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

The EASS is an independent advice service, not operated by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Phone: 0808 800 0082

Or email using the contact form on the EASS website.
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0808 800 0082