
Salary information

Published: 18 May 2022

Last updated: 4 January 2024

Transparency on staff salaries

We are the independent regulator for equality, human rights and good relations in England, Scotland and Wales.

We were established by the Equality Act 2006 and our sponsor government department is the Government Equalities Office.

Our employees are subject to levels of pay and terms and conditions of service (including pensions) within the pay structure agreed with the Government Equalities Office and the Treasury.

The information on this page is published in line with the Government’s transparency agenda.

Pay and grading

Our agreed pay and grading structure is as follows:

Level Generic title Pay grade Civil Service equivalent
Level 1 Associate £23,876.52 Administrative Officer
Level 2 Associate £26,341.68 to £29,404.44 Executive Officer
Level 3 Senior Associate £33,385.20 to £38,295.72 Higher Executive Officer
Level 4 Senior Associate £41,766.60 to £48,198.84 Senior Executive Officer
Level 5 Principal £53,371.32 to £60,925.92 Grade 7
Level 6 Senior Principal £66,136.80 to £70,818.72 Grade 6

Each of our grades have a pay range, from a minimum entry point to a maximum salary.

The minimum and maximum salaries are normally reviewed each year, subject to HM Treasury pay guidance.

The majority of colleagues are on the entry point of the range, with small numbers on salaries above the minimum. Our pay strategy is to reduce the differentials between the minimum and maximum salaries over time.

For London based employees in EHRC pay scales Levels 1 to 6, the pay range minimum and maximum are increased by £3,200 on account of a London weighting allowance.

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