Accessible formats policy

Published: 30 July 2024

Last updated: 30 July 2024


We produce a wide range of information for individuals, businesses, public sector organisations and other relevant groups.

This policy sets out our approach to providing information in accessible formats as an anticipatory measure. It also explains how we will respond to individual requests for information in an alternative format.

Additional information about the accessibility of our website is available in our accessibility statement.

Our approach to accessible formats

As a public body, we have an obligation under the Public Sector Equality Duty to have ‘due regard’ to the needs of disabled people. Having due regard means being fully aware of, and understanding, the needs of disabled people, and putting that knowledge into practice.

Producing accessible communications will contribute to our aim of advancing equal opportunities by:

  • removing or reducing the disadvantage that people with protected characteristics face
  • taking steps to meet the specific needs of people with protected characteristics
  • encouraging people with protected characteristics to participate fully in all activities, especially where they are under-represented

We will consider accessibility when we publish information.

Examples include:

  • writing in plain English
  • explaining complex subjects and legal terms
  • using fonts that are easy to read
  • using size 14 font for printed materials and size 12 font for online materials with the ability to zoom in
  • designing clear layouts
  • checking colour contrasts
  • adding alt text to images, unless decorative
  • publishing documents on our website in HTML – where this is not possible, we will produce an accessible PDF or Word document
  • providing captions or transcripts with videos

While this is a helpful starting point, we recognise we need to do more.

We will be proactive in considering whether accessible formats are required to support each project and announcement.

We will consider factors such as:

  • the intended audience, for example, businesses, public servants, civil servants, journalists or individuals
  • the impact of communication barriers, for example, someone’s ability to take part in meetings or consultations
  • if the activity is reasonable, proportionate and represents good value for taxpayers’ money

We will use data to inform our decisions. For example, we will look at the take-up of accessible formats for similar projects and announcements.

Whenever possible, we will aim to publish standard and accessible formats at the same time and on the same webpage. There may be times when this is not feasible. For example, if we need to issue urgent information or if there is a delay during the production process. In these instances, we will publish accessible formats at the earliest possible opportunity.

Promoting accessible formats

We will promote the availability of accessible formats to encourage greater take-up.

Examples include:

  • publishing standard and accessible formats together
  • promoting the availability of accessible formats, for example, in speeches, presentations and social media posts
  • asking external organisations to cascade information to their members and audiences

Handling requests for accessible formats

Please check the information you require is not already on the website before submitting requests for accessible formats.

If the information you require is not available, please visit our contact us webpage for general enquiries. Please provide as much detail as possible about the information you require and the format that you need. We will ask further questions if the request is not sufficiently clear.

We will look at all requests and consider factors such as:

  • the intended audience, for example, businesses, public servants, civil servants, journalists or individuals
  • the impact of communications barriers, for example, someone’s ability to take part in a meeting or consultation
  • if the request is reasonable, proportionate and represents good value for taxpayers’ money

We are likely to decline requests that do not meet these criteria. We will explain our decisions and, where possible, try to offer alternatives.

We are unable to tailor existing accessible formats for individuals. For example, if an individual asks us to change an accessible PDF to include specific colours or to remove some of the pages.

Reviewing this policy

We will review this policy every 12 months. The latest version will appear on our website and will replace previous versions. We reserve the right to withdraw or change this policy at any time.

We will monitor the use of accessible formats, for example, how many people view accessible formats on our website. We will log all requests for accessible formats and our decisions. We will use this data to identify areas for improvement and to update this policy.

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