Is Britain Fairer? 2018: supporting data

Published: 16 August 2021

Last updated: 6 May 2022

What countries does this apply to?

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

There are 48 data tables supporting the evidence shown in the Is Britain Fairer? 2018 report.

The tables are split into six themes or 'domains':

  • education
  • health
  • justice
  • living standards
  • participation
  • work


Theme Indicator Description and download
Education Educational attainment of children and young people Percentage with a good level of development or of literacy and numeracy in early Primary education (children aged 4 to 7) (Excel file)
Education Educational attainment of children and young people Percentage achieving good examination results at school-leaving age or on leaving school (children) (Excel file)
Education School exclusions, bullying and NEET Pupils per 1,000 subject to permanent or fixed-term exclusions (children) (Excel file)
Education School exclusions, bullying and NEET Percentage not in education, employment or training (NEET) (Excel file*)
Education Higher education and lifelong learning Percentage with degree-level qualifications (adults over age 25) (Excel file)
Education Higher education and lifelong learning Percentage participating in learning activities in the last three months (adults) (Excel file)
Health Health outcomes Percentage who report good or very good current health status (adults) (Excel file)
Health Health outcomes Percentage who report good or very good current health status (children) (Excel file)
Health Health outcomes Suicide rate per 1,000 (adults) (Excel file)
Health Health outcomes Mortality rate from diseases of the circulatory system (adults) (Excel file)
Health Access to healthcare Percentage starting treatment who have waited for more than 18 weeks (adults) (Excel file)
Health Mental health Percentage with poor mental health and wellbeing (adults) (Excel file)
Health Mental health Percentage with poor mental health and wellbeing (children) (Excel file)
Health Mental health Percentage starting or receiving treatment for mental health conditions (adults) (Excel file)
Health Mental health Percentage starting or receiving treatment for mental health conditions (children) (Excel file)
Justice Conditions of detention Rate per 1,000 prisoners of non-natural deaths in prisons (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Conditions of detention Rate per 1,000 population in prison (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Conditions of detention Rate per 10,000 population held in the youth secure estate (children) (Excel file)
Justice Conditions of detention Rate per 100,000 population in detention under Mental Health Acts (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Hate crime, homicides and sexual or domestic abuse Percentage who experienced one or more hate incidents (self-reported) in the previous 12 months (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Hate crime, homicides and sexual or domestic abuse Number of police recorded hate crimes or charges relating to hate crime, by motivation (Excel file)
Justice Hate crime, homicides and sexual or domestic abuse Homicide rate per million population (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Hate crime, homicides and sexual or domestic abuse Homicide rate per million population (children) (Excel file)
Justice Hate crime, homicides and sexual or domestic abuse Percentage who experienced rape and assault by penetration, including attempts (self- reported) in the previous 12 months (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Hate crime, homicides and sexual or domestic abuse Percentage who experienced domestic violence and abuse (self- reported) in the previous 12 months (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Criminal and civil justice Percentage agreeing that the Criminal Justice System treats those who have been accused of a crime as ‘innocent until proven guilty’ (adults) (Excel file)
Justice Criminal and civil justice Percentage of legal aid applications granted (all ages) (Excel file)
Living standards Poverty Percentage Living in households below 60% contemporary median income after housing costs (AHC) (adults) (Excel file)
Living standards Poverty Percentage Living in households below 60% contemporary median income after housing costs (AHC) (children) (Excel file)
Living standards Poverty Percentage experiencing severe material deprivation (adults) (Excel file)
Living standards Housing Percentage living in overcrowded accommodation (adults) (Excel file)
Living standards Housing Percentage satisfied with their accommodation (adults) (Excel file)
Living standards Social care Percentage of social care service users treated with dignity and respect in social care (self-reported) (adults) (Excel file)
Living standards Social care Rate per 1,000 receiving social care either in the community or in a care home (adults) (Excel file)
Participation Political and civic participation and representation Percentage voting in general elections (adults) (Excel file)
Participation Political and civic participation and representation Percentage undertaking one or more of a number of political activities (adults) (Excel file)
Participation Access to services Percentage who have used the internet (adults) (Excel file)
Participation Access to services Percentage doing sport or exercise in last four weeks (adults) (Excel file)
Participation Privacy and surveillance Percentage who limit access to their profile or content on social networking sites (Excel file)
Participation Privacy and surveillance Percentage who have experienced abuse of personal information (Excel file)
Participation Social and community cohesion Percentage who agree most people, or most people in their neighbourhood, can be trusted (adults) (Excel file)
Participation Social and community cohesion Percentage who agree they belong in their immediate neighbourhood or local area (adults) (Excel file)
Work Employment Employment rate (adults) (Excel file*)
Work Employment Unemployment rate (adults) (Excel file)
Work Employment Percentage employed in jobs classed as insecure (Excel file*)
Work Earnings Median hourly employee earnings, including overtime (adults) (Excel file*)
Work Occupational segregation Percentage employed in high-paid occupations (adults) (Excel file*)
Work Occupational segregation Percentage employed in low-paid occupations (adults) (Excel file*)

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