Parliamentary briefing

The National Disability Strategy 2021

Published: 2 February 2021

Last updated: 3 August 2021

What countries does this apply to?

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

About the National Disability Strategy

The UK Government has committed to develop a National Disability Strategy, which will remove barriers and increase disabled people’s participation. You can read more about the Strategy at

Why we are involved

We want to make sure that the government's National Disability Strategy includes practical measures to reduce inequalities and fulfils disabled people’s human rights.

Our recommendations

In developing and implementing the National Strategy for Disabled People, the Government should take action to:

  • address the barriers that disabled people face, as outlined in our briefing
  • actively involve disabled people in the development and delivery of the strategy
  • fulfil the UK’s obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • strengthen disabled people’s choice and control over decisions affecting their lives

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