Modern Apprenticeships

Published: 2 March 2016

Last updated: 2 March 2016

What countries does this apply to?

  • Scotland


The uptake of Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland is typified by significant gender segregation, with ethnic minorities and disabled people also appearing to have low levels of access to all forms of apprenticeships.

This project examined the most recent data for employment programmes for women and men, ethnic minorities, disabled people, LGBT people, people of faith or belief and on the basis of age, and explore the extent to which Government - and industry - pressure and funding can contribute to more equalised outcomes for all.

Read an overview of the project:

Modern Apprenticeships: Equality & The Economy - Spreading The Benefits

Read the research reports:

Modern Apprenticeships Part 1

Modern Apprenticeships Part 2

Modern Apprenticeships Part 3


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