
Response to reports of Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

Published: 27 January 2022

In respect of the announcement this week that the Cabinet Office will conduct an inquiry into the allegations made by Nusrat Ghani MP that she was discriminated against due to her religion, an EHRC spokesperson said:

Discrimination against public office holders is unacceptable and any suggestions of it should be tackled swiftly. Following the concerning reports about Nusrat Ghani MP, we have today written to the Cabinet Office and the Conservative Party seeking further information.

As the regulator for equality and human rights, we take allegations of Islamophobia in any organisation extremely seriously. We are monitoring the Conservative Party’s implementation of Professor Swaran Singh’s independent investigation and will not hesitate to use our powers if our standards are not met.

This is consistent with our approach to investigating any association where we would consider how they address concerns through independent reports and action plans, before taking further action.

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