
Our response to the UN's concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Published: 2 June 2023

A spokesperson for the Equality and Human Rights Commission said:

“We welcome the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s concluding observations, published today. For the first time since 2016, the UN has assessed the state of children’s rights in the UK and highlighted where governments are falling short. The recommendations made by the UN will be vital to improving the protection and empowerment of children, across all areas of their lives.

“In January, we published our latest submission to the UN on children’s rights in Great Britain, where we made a number of recommendations to the UK and Welsh governments.

“We’re pleased that our recommendations informed the UN’s concluding observations, including our call for urgent action to improve protections for children in Britain, such as by tackling online abuse and addressing the deterioration of children’s mental health.

“We urge the UK and Welsh governments to implement the UN’s recommendations without delay.”

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