
Equality and Human Rights Commission re-accredited as ‘A status’ organisation

Published: 14 October 2022

We have been re-accredited as an ‘A status’ National Human Rights Institution (NHRI). The decision comes following a routine re-accreditation process with the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) this month.

GANHRI periodically reviews and accredits NHRIs through its Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) – approximately every five years.

Retaining ‘A status’ means the EHRC remains fully compliant with the ‘Paris Principles’, which provide the benchmark for high-performing, independent National Human Rights Institutions. The EHRC also remains able to report directly to the United Nations on human rights issues.

Baroness Falkner, Chairwoman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said:

“We are delighted that our vital work as a defender of human rights in this country has been recognised internationally again. I am proud of the powerful example we continue to set as a National Human Rights Institution on the global stage.

“This is a clear recognition of our status as an independent organisation with a proven track record promoting and upholding human rights.”

As part of the re-accreditation process, GANHRI will publish in November a full report on all NHRIs reviewed this session.

Baroness Falkner added:

“We look forward to receiving GANHRI’s full report next month. We are confident that any recommendations they make will help strengthen our role in creating a fairer society for all.

“We will continue to work with all organisations in our shared goals to protect equality and human rights and reduce discrimination in England, Scotland and Wales.”

GANHRI periodically reviews and accredits NHRIs approximately every five years. The EHRC was last re-accredited as an ‘A status’ NHRI in 2015 and previously in 2008.

NHRIs are assessed against the Paris Principles. These require NHRIs:

  • To be competent to promote and protect human rights
  • To have a broad, clear constitutional and legislative mandate
  • To submit advice on human rights issues to government and Parliament
  • To cooperate with the United Nations and other international organisations to protect and promote human rights
  • To promote education of human rights in schools, universities and professional circles
  • To combat all forms of discrimination by increasing public awareness of human rights
  • To ensure plural representation in its appointments
  • To have adequate funding
  • To be independent in its decision-making and operation

More information on the Paris Principles is available here.

There are two levels of accreditation, rating NHRIs' compliance with the Paris Principles:  

  • ‘A’ – fully compliant 
  • ‘B’ – partially compliant 

NHRIs that are non-compliant are graded as 'not accredited'.

This was a routine re-accreditation session for the EHRC.

Calls for a special review of the EHRC’s status earlier this year resulted in no action.

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