
Latest blogs

How we're improving access to public transport across regions

One of our aims is to ensure public transport supports the economic and social inclusion of disabled people and older people.

by Helen Farmer 17 December 2019

Fair growth: How can we ensure more opportunity for more people?

With regions of the country currently developing their local industrial strategies, local leaders have an opportunity to shape their own economic futures.

by Caroline Waters OBE 17 December 2019
by Rebecca Hilsenrath 14 August 2019
by Rebecca Hilsenrath 28 March 2019

Data, words and deeds: diversity in politics

International Women’s Day provides us with an opportunity to celebrate progress towards gender equality and to reflect on how far we’ve come.

by Helen Pankhurst 8 March 2019

Coming together to put women’s rights on the agenda

Guest blog, co-written by representatives from charities and NGOs who participated in the United Nations' review of the UK’s record on women rights.

8 March 2019
by Karen Grayson 11 February 2019