
Landlord's policy banning Indian and Pakistani tenants is unlawful, says County Court

Published: 8 November 2017

A court today ruled that landlord Fergus Wilson's policy of banning Indian and Pakistani tenants was unlawful. The Equality and Human Rights Commission brought the case against Mr Wilson at Maidstone County Court. 

Chief Executive Rebecca Hilsenrath said:

We welcome this outlawing by the court of Mr Wilson’s discriminatory letting policy. Our homes are fundamental to our private lives and to who we are. Denial of a home on the grounds of race or colour is abhorrent conduct we do not accept in today’s society. There are still deep inequalities in our country, as our race report earlier this year demonstrated, and sadly some of the causes of those inequalities were illustrated by Mr Wilson’s comments over the summer. However, today takes us one step closer to a more equal Britain.

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