
Kunle Olulode MBE

Commissioner at Equality and Human Rights Commission


Appointed for 4 years from 1 January 2023

Kunle Olulode is the Director of Voice4Change England, an infrastructure charity. Its members number over 500 Black community organisations covering everything from criminal justice to migrant rights. He is acutely aware of how lack of diversity in thought is crippling serious debate on social policy issues, including race. 

As a policy adviser and activist at Camden Council, from 2002 to 2011, he led the Camden Black Workers staff group, representing over 500 Black and Asian staff members, and founded its award-winning Camden Black History Forum.

Possessing a long-standing interest in culture and arts development, he has supported projects in the UK and Spain for over 25 years. A member of South Bank’s BFI’s African Odyssey programme steering group, he is also a Trustee of the English Heritage Trust, which is responsible for some of England's most iconic buildings and monuments.