
Jessica Butcher MBE

Commissioner at Equality and Human Rights Commission


Appointed for four years from 1 December 2020

Jessica Butcher is a serial technology entrepreneur, angel investor and business advisor. She was the cofounding CMO of Blippar from 2011 to 2015 during its rapid ascent as one of the global tech pioneers in the field of Augmented Reality.

A business mentor, speaker and writer on subjects as diverse as women in technology and entrepreneurship, work-life blend and humane technology, with deep interest around both equality of opportunity and how society might address some of the more recent negative societal and behavioural ramifications of social technology.

She is the recipient of awards including the BBC’s Top 100 Women, Fortune’s Most Powerful Female Entrepreneurs, The Evening Standard’s ‘Progress 1000’  and Europe's Top 50 Inspiring Women in Tech. Awarded an MBE for services to technology and entrepreneurship in the 2018 New Years Honours List.