Religion or belief in the workplace

An employer's guide to religion or belief in the workplace.

Guidance for employers on religion and belief in the workplace

Religion or belief: What is it and why is it important?

What do we mean by 'religion or belief' and why is it important to deal with requests in the…

30 July 2019

Religion or belief: how do I handle employee requests?

Work through our decision-making tool for handling religion and belief requests from your employees…

30 July 2019

Religion or belief: frequently asked questions

Answers to the main religion or belief questions in the workplace, developed with employers.

30 July 2019

Religion or belief: a guide to the law

An overview of the protections offered by the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998…

2 December 2016

Further information

Training for employers

An online training course for employers on religion or belief in the workplace.

Is the law working?

This report looks at how well the law protects individuals with or without a religion or belief.