
Reviewing the aims and effectiveness of the Public Sector Equality Duty

Published: 1 August 2018

Last updated: 1 August 2018

What countries does this apply to?

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

This research looks at how public authorities in England, Scotland and Wales set their equality objectives and put them into practice.

They need to do this as part of their specific duties under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). The PSED is a duty that means public authorities have to pay attention to the need to tackle discrimination and promote equality.

The research also looks at best practice examples from across the world on drafting, monitoring and enforcing equality duties. 

Research was carried out by NatCen Social Research.

We will be using the research and its findings to develop a policy on the specific duties, to make sure they continue to be effective in tackling discrimination and inequality.

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