
Equality watchdog urges UK government to uphold its commitment to ban harmful conversion practices

Published: 17 October 2023

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has written to the Minister for Women and Equalities urging the government to deliver on its commitment to publish a draft Bill to ban harmful conversion practices for pre-legislative scrutiny by Parliament.

Conversion practices, aimed at changing someone’s sexual orientation or personal understanding of their own gender, can be incredibly harmful to people with the protected characteristics of sexual orientation and gender reassignment.

The EHRC has previously supported proposals for the ending of such practices, responding to government proposals published for consultation in 2021.

Given the complexity and sensitivity of the issue, it is imperative that any legislation is approached with the utmost care.

That is why the EHRC called for a draft Bill to be published for pre-legislative scrutiny by both Houses. We welcomed the government’s public commitment in January 2023 to bring such draft legislation forward.

The Commission’s position remains that thorough and detailed scrutiny remains imperative to ensure that any ban is effective and avoids unintended consequences.

The legislation must be robust in protecting individuals with the protected characteristics of sexual orientation and gender reassignment from harmful practices, while ensuring that the provision of appropriate care and support is not caught by the ban, and religious freedoms are protected.

In light of this, we eagerly anticipate the inclusion of this legislation in the forthcoming King's Speech and stand ready to provide expert advice on the equality and human rights implications of any proposed measures.