Equality Outcomes Self-assessment Tool for Public Authorities in Scotland

Published: 1 January 2015

Last updated: 1 January 2015

What countries does this apply to?

  • Scotland

In 2013/14 the Equality and Human Rights Commission (the Commission) carried out a programme of work called ‘Measuring Up?’ which aimed  to monitor and report on how well Scottish public authorities had met key elements of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) specific duties. 

The Commission found many public authorities failed to measure up to the detail of the specific duty requirements. Only one in three had published robust equality outcomes that were clear and measurable. Many had produced equality outcomes which would be difficult or impossible to monitor and would make it difficult for them to report effectively on their progress in April 2015.

This self-assessment tool has been designed as part of the Improving Equality Outcomes Project to provide a means for public authorities to improve their outcomes. Its aims are to:

  1. Support public authorities to evaluate their methods for setting equality outcomes and the quality of the outcomes themselves
  2. Identify areas where public authorities need to  improve
  3. Support public authorities to create their own improvement plan.

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