
Court of Appeal: school gender segregation policy is unlawful

Published: 13 October 2017

Following the Court of Appeal ruling an Islamic faith school's policy of segregating boys from girls is unlawful sex discrimination, Rebecca Hilsenrath, Chief Executive of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said:

Regardless of their gender, every child has the right to an effective education – and one which lets them be themselves and mix with whoever they choose. For this reason, we welcome today's confirmation by the Court of Appeal that it is unlawful for a mixed school to segregate girls and boys completely.

Socialisation is a core part of a good quality education, just as much as formal learning, and without it we’re harming children’s life chances right from the start. The Government’s recent race disparity audit highlighted clear attainment gaps and it is important that in addressing those gaps our schools operate in ways that reflect and reinforce the country’s values of fair treatment and respect.

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